stormwater management
In the past decade, the Virgin Islands have seen more than 25 “100 year storms.”
Commercial properties are especially at risk with increased impervious surface areas like parking lots, roofs and roadways, disrupting nature’s process of water filtration into the soil. The result is increased runoff during storm events causing flooding, erosion, sedimentation and pollution.
Permeable Pavement Systems
Managing stormwater is the key to protecting your property’s landscaping and livelihood.
Our solution is a revolutionary permeable pavement system that absorbs and filters with layers of aggregate reducing the volume of water runoff. Cleaner water is instead dispersed, either routed to underground storage tanks for later irrigation use, or piped to cisterns to naturally recharge your water supply.

Certified Assessment, Planning & Installation
Island Designs is the Caribbean’s only certified contractor.
We meet the exacting standards of excellence for the design, installation and maintenance of these decorative permeable pavements. Even the most inventive and innovative architect will appreciate the design flexibility of sizes, patterns and colors backed by science and extensive testing.
Erosion, contamination and flooding that cause lengthy closures and costly remediation can be avoided now, and for the future of your property.
Science and Technology driven
Extreme weather events pose significant risks to life, property, and the economy in the Caribbean.
Some extreme events, such as flooding and droughts, are projected to increase in frequency and intensity. Increasing hurricane intensity and associated rainfall rates will likely affect human health and well-being, economic development, conservation, and agricultural productivity. The Island Designs team of landscape and hardscape specialists, civil and structural engineers and marine scientists are uniquely qualified to evaluate, design and protect your investment.
Beautiful land-and-hardscapes? While protecting your investment and the environment? It’s a win, win.
The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)